Monday 28 September 2009

Raison D'etre

There is much speculation as to why these mantas come to this area. Our theory on how to find out those reasons were simple: Basic observation. You cannot substitutethis simple necessity with technology. No equipment, however technical, however well developed, will tell you what your own eyes will see. Hours in the water is what counts.
Our theory paid off. This video shows without any doubt that there is at least some feeding activity going on around this island. It's position and our study into it's relationship with the surrounding bathymetrical environment, coupled with our lengthy observation show that this is not a unique incident. Mantas come here to feed. We have observed it many times over the recent weeks and have captured it on film more than once.
This is not a surprise to us. If there is one element of life that dictates the behaviour of all animals, it is the need to gain nutrition. We suspect that these mantas are migratory, and their migration, driven by nutritional requirements suggests that they are not that different from other migratory beings. Elephants, Wildebeast, Basking Sharks, Swallows, Bears, the ebb and flow of a creature's activity is often directly related to its food source. It is not therefore a question of how to follow the animal, but of how to predict the behaviour of its food.

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