Sunday 28 February 2010

Congratulations Felix

It is always good to hear about what my old friend Wolfgang is up to. Wolf has been a leading light in shark conservation opinion and activism for years. His seriousness in such issues does not come immediately to light as he is a pure delight when you meet him. His small wiry frame belies the giant of a man that lives within it, and his elder gentlemanly appearance is betrayed by bright shining eyes atop his beaming grin. He is full of a childlike energy, and in the water moves like a man of only twenty years. He is an ispiration to everyone who spends time with him.

Now it looks like the inspiration not only rubbed off, but is actually present in the Leander genes. Felix, Wolf's son has just won the best Human Interaction category in the iDive sharks imaging festival. Let us hope that Felix proves as mighty as his father in all things shark, then at least a few sharks in our oceans will rest knowing a family of giants is looking after them.

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